Monday, September 7, 2009

A Fishy Tale

I have decided to write a children's book for my grandkids for Christmas this year. It's a huge undertaking but so far I have enjoyed the process. After it is complete, I will get it printed as a hard bound book. My prayer is that as each child sees their name in the book they will know how much I love each of them and that they are in my prayers every day.

I've never done cartoons before so, once again I am working outside of my box. I think God likes me there. I am sharing these pictures so that I can get feedback and chronicle the progress. So for Ashley, Shelby, Tristan and goes.

Arizona Cactus Bloom

Red Orchid Passion

Time to get back at it

Finally, things have slowed down just long enough so that I can breathe. I've been painting but have had time for little else. (I guess I should blame facebook)

Since it is Labor Day, I thought I would post some of the latest "labours". Right now I'm working on a large project as Christmas presents for the grandkids...a childrens book. Shelby is really into "fishy" right now so I thought I would post some pages that I have finished. I will save the rest of the paintings when the book is complete. All in all I think I need a total of 20 paintings and I only have 3 done. Goodness! I better get busy!