I think it is fitting that I completed this painting today and then I receive an email from Michelle about the way the family is dealing with their loss. I have added Michelle's email for you to read. The next step for this painting is to get it framed and then give it to the family. Thank you for watching its progress and for the prayers that were lifted up for Matthew and his family.
Dear Friends and Family, If you didn't already know, my brother Matthew took his life at the end of July of this year. We've made the commitment to try to do something positive despite our huge loss. We have formed a team, we're calling it "Doing it for Matt" and we would be very glad to have your active participation in joining the walk, or your support from afar if you would like to donate. If you would like to donate, here is a link to my webpage: https://afsp.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&eventID=659&participantID=30899 Or you can enter my name in the search engine on the national website www.outofthedarkness.org If you are able to donate in support of this effort, we all want to thank you. If not, here's hoping you have a good holiday season, and please know we'd like to stay in touch, even if we are having a little more trouble initiating social contact this year than normal.
Thinking of all of you, Chelle